Today I went to play basketball after work. It was still about 90 degrees here in Florida. The heat was killing me. I shot jumpers for twenty minutes, ran suicides for ten minutes and then shot free throws. Everything was cool (sorta) until I got to the free throws. I was exhausted from the heat and all I wanted to do was hit seven out of ten and go home. Five of ten. Six of ten. Five of ten. The frustration was building by the time I got to the fourth set. But I finally got myself together and hit six of seven. Then I missed the next two. Thank the Lord I hit the last shot to get my 70% average.
After I shot, I sat down to cool off and started thinking about what just happened. I've been having some "issues" lately and it appeared my free throw escapade was an opportunity to learn a life lesson. Here's what I learned:
1. When you have mountains to climb in life there will inevitably be problems along the way. My goal (mountain) was hitting seven out of ten free throws.
2. When dealing with problems you have to control your emotions and stay in control. During the first three sets of free throws it took every ounce of strength to not curse out my ball and kick it into the woods. Does anything good ever come out of you blowing your top? Not in my experience.
3. You have to learn to persevere. If you give up to early you are going to miss out on a lot of blessings in life. Keep moving forward! I could have quit after the third set and went home, but I stuck with it.
4. Sometimes you have to learn to adjust from whats always worked for you in the past. During the first three sets I shot the free throws all the same way. In the final set I changed my shooting motion a tad and got the results I wanted.
5. Lastly, even when things are going good, expect the unexpected. In my last set I hit my first six out of seven shots. I was cruising and had only one more to hit. Then I stumbled and barely reached my 70% goal. When I hit the first six shots I just knew it was all good. That last shot was pressure filled! Not what I expected.
Well that's it. I can't say basketball can teach you everything you need to know about life but I believe there may be a little wisdom in my experience today.
By the way, I placed a SPY 167/169 Bear Call Spread today that expires on Friday. Premium was sweet!
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