First off, I have to give congratulations to the Miami Heat. I'm a die hard Laker fan (shout out to the Mamba) but you have to give Lebron and those boys credit. They beat a quality team in the Spurs and to my surprise showed great sportsmanship after the game. Just check out the moment Lebron and Duncan had after the game. And that shot by Ray Allen at the end of regulation in game six was just sick!
Next, it always amazes me how the entire financial world gets their panties all tied in knots whenever the Federal Reserve Chairman speaks. The Chairman uses a negative word during his remarks and the entire markets tanks. That my friend is what I call "gangsta"! It really makes me wonder if the whole market is just a sham and controlled by the big institutional banks and other super rich powers that be. Hmm....
Lastly, I can touch on my two trades this week. I successfully closed out a SPY 168.50/170.50 Bear Call Spread (weekly). I have Mr. Fed Chairman to thank for the SPY never getting close to 168 this week. Unfortunately, I lost on a straight 159.50 SPY call that expired today. I was expecting the SPY to bounce back after yesterdays drop, but I was definitely on the wrong side of that trade. I still may experiment with some calls and puts in the future but the foundation will always be high probability Bear Call spreads on more than likely only the SPY.
Well, that's it for now. Hopefully next week I'll have a little more inspiration.
When does football season start again?!